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Lanark County

Addictions and Mental Health

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Meetings all over Lanark County. Locations include Carleton Place, Smiths Falls, Lanark Highlands, Almonte and Merrickville. 
613-284-2696 or Toll Free 1-855-267-2696


Al-Anon Family Groups
Meetings take place through Zoom or in person (depending on location). This group is specific to individuals who are directly affected by another person's drinking.

Provides psychotherapy, counselling, and coaching services. They encourage self-compassion as a tool to reconnect you to yourself, and ultimately those around you. 
This service is only accessible through booking an appointment.


Children's Mental Health of Leeds and Grenville
Provides mental health services for children, youth and families that they experience as accessible, timely, effective, inclusive and empowering.
8:00am-4:30pm 800-809-2494 After Hours and Weekends 613-345-4600

Connex Ontario
Provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling by connecting them with services in their area. We are funded by the Government of Ontario. This service is available 24/7.

Kids Help Phone 
*Linked through the Yellow Button at the top of page at all times when on this site*
24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.
1-800-668-6868 or text 68-68-68

Lanark County Mental Health
A community based mental health service responding to Lanark County adults and transitional youth aged 17 and older, who are experiencing mental health concerns.
Smiths Falls 613-283-2170
Carleton Place 613-257-5915


Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health
Offers services and programs to people who are experiencing mental health or addiction issues. Services offered in person, by telephone or virtually.
613-342-2262 or 1-800-361-6948

Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth
Mental Health services for ages 0-18 and parents needing support. Talk-in sessions, councelling, and groups available. Services are confidential and without fee to clients. There are locations in Perth, Smiths Falls and Carleton Place.
Perth 613-264-1415
Smiths Falls 613-283-8260
Carleton Place 613-257-8260

Pivotal Health
Provides funding for in-person counselling sessions by connecting approved applicants to local certified counsellors in order to help heal from past or present trauma. Pivotal Help currently serves Smiths Falls, Perth, Lanark (village), and Carleton Place.

Wellness Together Canada 
A mental health and substance use website. We support people in Canada and Canadians who live abroad in both English and French. Our services are available for free.
1-866-585-0445 *

Youthab: Transitional Aged Youth Program (TAY)
Offer confidential and free support for youth ages 16 to 24 who are struggling with their mental health. Assistance with connecting to supports and services for mental health, housing, employment and education.
Lanark: 613-283-2170 extension 248
Leeds and Grenville: 613-342-2262

Children, Youth and Families

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County
Not for Profit volunteer organization which helps children develop to thier unique potential through consistent, dependable and non-conditional adult friendship.

Children's resources on Wheels/ EarlyOn
Not for Profit organization with two main streams of service: Ontario Early Years and Liscensed Home Child Care. Dedicated to supporting and strengthening childcare, family life, child development and community links in Lanark County.
613-283-0095 or 1-800-267-9252

Connect Youth Inc.
Offers services and programs that seek to help youth adjust through difficult periods in their lives, to enable them to reach their full potential and to be productive adults in their community. Drop-in activities available.

Family and Children's Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville
Committed to engaging families and the community in the safety, permanency and well-being of our children and youth.

Lanark County Child and Youth Services Collaborative
The collaborative provides leadership and collaboration to enable optimal development and healthy living for Lanark County children, youth and their families.

Lanark County Social Services
Provides guidance, support and resources to the people of Lanark County, to promote empowered and fulfilled lives.
613-267-4200 or Toll Free 1-888-952-6275

Community Support

Alzheimer Society Lanark Leeds Grenville
Offers support, education and advocacy for families and friends of people with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of Dementia.
Perth, Almonte and Smiths Falls 613-345-7392 or Toll Free 1-866-576-8556


Community Advocacy Office
Community Navigators are available to offer resources, referrals, and support on a wide array of issues. Some of these supports include applying for help with utility bills, replacing lost identification,  helping fill out paperwork, conducting a housing search, and discussing your options in a difficult situation. The office is open to all community members and no appointment is needed.
613-267-6428 Extension 111

Lanark Transportation
Grassroots, not-for-profit association that connects people with life-enhancing community supports and services. Provides transportation to families, seniors, children, youth and others living in Lanark County and the Town of Smiths Falls so they may attend Medical appointments, Day programs, Counseling services, Social service appointments and Food programs.

613-264-8256 or Toll Free 1-877-445-5777

Local Immigration Partnership: Lanark and Renfrew
Strengthens the role of local communities across Lanark and Renfrew Counties in integrating and serving our newcomer population.
613-735-4308 Extension 2878

Crisis Intervention and Emergency

Assaulted Women's Helpline
We provide crisis counselling, safety planning, emotional support, information and referrals accessible 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  We work in tandem with community partners and sister agencies towards bridging gaps in service and identifying emerging issues or trends relevant to the women we work with.
Deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Toll Free 1-866-863-0511

Toll Free TTY 1-866-7868

Distress Centre Lanark, Leeds and Grenville
If you are feeling alone, and don't know where to turn call the Distress Centre. This service is provided by non-judgmental and empathetic volunteers, and is based on an active listening model, which encourages individuals to help themselves through exploring their feelings and their options. The Distress Centre is available to individuals living within Lanark Leeds and Grenville and operates from 5:00 pm to midnight 365 days a year.

Hope For Wellness Helpline
The Hope for Wellness Helpline is available to all Indigenous people across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent counsellors are reachable by telephone and online ‘chat’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Both telephone and online chat services are available in English and French. Telephone support is also available upon request in Cree, Ojibway (Anishinaabemowin) and Inuktitut.

Need Help Now
Helps teens stop the spread of sexual pictures or videos and provides support along the way. If you or someone you know has been negatively impacted by a self/peer exploitation incident, we are here to help offer guidance on the steps you can take to get through it.

Talk Suicide Canada
Support if you are having thoughts of suicide. This service is offed 24 hours, 7 days a week, nationwide. This service is also available in French.
1-833-456-4566 or Text 45645 (Texting only available from 4pm-Midnight) 

The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Crisis Line
An independent, national, toll-free support call line that is available to provide support for anyone who requires assistance. This line is available free of charge, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Lanark County Interval House and Community Support
Offers emergency and on-going programs to women and children living in or escaping from domestic violence. 

Lanark County Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Program
Provide specialized medical and nursing care to victims of sexual and intimate partner violence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Services are provided to persons of all gender identities and ages through any of the emergency departments in Lanark County; Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital, Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital and the Almonte General Hospital.


(613) 283-2330 ext. 1258 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (after hours call/text the on call nurse confidential phone at (613) 284-6656)
You can also access this service at any hospital in Lanark County by telling the Emergency Department that you would like to be seen for a Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence.

Employment and Education

Canadian Career Academy
Provides personalized job coaching, resume writing, interview preparation, and job matching services to job seekers across Canada. We’re committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace and connecting job seekers with employers who share these values.

Community Employment Services| Perth 
Offers many services to support individuals who are looking for work, thinking of returning to school to improve their job options, or need other community services to achieve their short- and long-term employment goals.

A free, online Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) program for English speaking individuals living in Ontario. As an online program, we are here to make learning accessible!  We help people who live in communities with limited services, cannot attend in-person LBS programs, and/or want to learn on the computer.

Ontac Employment Resource Service
Offers free professional employment services to job seekers and employers and is a continuing partner in employment services to the communities of Arnprior (1999), Renfrew (2018) and Smiths Falls (2002). Supports job seekers in achieving their short-term and long-term employment goals and supports employers/businesses with their hiring and training needs.  


Lanark Highlands Food Pantry and Thrift Store
Provides food bundles for families and Individuals in need.
115 Clarence Street, Lanark (St. Andrews United Church- Lower Level)

Smiths Falls Community Food Bank
Helps families and individuals in need by providing safe and nutritious emergency food as our supplies allow.
93 Russell St.E, Smiths Falls

The Hunger Stop: Lanark County Food Bank
Provide safe and nutritional food assistance to persons in need using the acquisition of food resources through donations, fundraising events, and collaborating with community partners.
84 Mill Street, Carleton Place

The Table Community Food Centre
Foster a healthier and more connected community. We do this by increasing access to healthy food, improving food skills and food literacy, advocating for individual well-being, and educating, engaging and advocating for social policies to address food insecurity and poverty.
190 Gore Street East, Perth
613.267.6428 ext 102


Cornerstone Landing
A community-based, non-profit charitable organization providing assistance to youth age 16-24 who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness in Lanark County.

Lanark County Housing Services
Information on housing development, housing providers, programs and subsidies, subsidized housing, and tenant resources in Lanark County.

Legal services

Legal Services

The Legal Clinic
We provide free legal services for low income residents of Lanark County and the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville, as well as the Townships of North and Central Frontenac in Frontenac County and the Township of Addington Highlands in the County of Lennox & Addington.

Perth Location 613-264-8888



Mississippi Mills
Pakenham Branch 
128 Macfarlane St. Pakenham, Mississippi Mills, K0A 2X0
Almonte Branch

155 High Street Almonte, Mississippi Mills, K0A1A0

Carleton Place
101 Beckwith Street, Carleton Place, K7C 2T3

Smiths Falls
81 Beckwith St. North, Smiths Falls, K7A 2B9

30 Herriott Street, Perth, K7H 1T2

Lanark Highlands
75 George Street, Lanark Village, K0G 1K0

physica health

Physical Health

Services ranging from primary health care to autism services.  Provides a wide range of primary health care, community development initiatives and health promotion programs to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Carleton Place:  613-257-7121 or Toll Free 800-667-2617
Lanark: 613-259-2182 or Toll Free  866-762-0496

Smiths Falls Community Health Centre
Our programs and services are provided by a variety of health professionals who work together to provide access in response to client and community needs.
613- 283-1952

Pride Flag

2SLGBTQIA+ Specific

Rainbow Health Ontario
Creates opportunities for the healthcare system to better serve 2SLGBTQ communities. (This website holds information for health care providers to properly support 2SLGBTQIA+ patients.)

Sex and U
(The Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada) Provides information on sexual health and understanding your body. Topics include STI's, Contraception, Pregnancies and Consent.

PFLAG Canada
National charitable organization, founded by parents who wish to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their LGBTQ2S children.

LGBT Youth Line
2SLGBTQ+ youth-led organization that affirms and supports the experiences of youth (29 and under) across Ontario. We do this by:

  • Providing anonymous peer support and referrals;

  • Training youth to provide support to other youth; and

  • Providing resources so youth can make informed decisions.

The BIPOC Women's Health Network
Provides culturally competent, anti-oppressive, and feminist health care resources for health care providers, medical students, and racialized women in local Canadian communities.

Trans Lifeline
Grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.
*NOTE* Microgrants are only accessible to U.S Residents.

Gender Spectrum
Facilitates social groups for parents, guardians, grandparents, and other family members and caregivers, providing them a space to explore their own feelings, and to find a community that can support them as they navigate their child’s journey. In conjunction with outside partners, we connect young people to similar spaces, where they can be seen and validated for who they are. 

Community-based organization run by and for queer and gender diverse folx. We strive to centre holistic, community-focused, and anti-colonial understandings of care and wellness in a way that is accessible to queer and gender diverse folx of various lived experiences
Online peer support group for rural youth 3rd Tuesday of every month, 6-7pm.

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